Elizabeth Erlandson, Senator Deb Fischer, Google rep Chris Russell and Ardith Stuertz celebrate Lincoln’s Digital status. |
Mayor Beutler accepted the 2013 eCity Award for Lincoln from Google representative Chris Russell. |
The Google award presentation to the city of Lincoln, Nebraska, was a great success. Licorice International hosted the event, which celebrated the success of digital commerce in Lincoln based on independent research. More than 70 people attended the event on Monday, August 26, 2013. Mayor Chris Beutler accepted the award on behalf of the city and Senator Deb Fischer spoke on behalf of the state of Nebraska. Below are photo highlights from the event.
Senator Deb Fischer and Mayor Chris Beutler toured Licorice International with owner, Elizabeth Erlandson.

Chris Russell of Google presented the award.

Senator Fischer shared her vision for Nebraska businesses.
The Licorice Ladies expressed thanks to God for sustaining them through uncertain times, to their parents, the city of Lincoln, their customers and to Google.
Councilman Carl Eskeridge shared in the celebration. |
More than 75 people including several local media representatives attended the event. |
Elizabeth Erlandson, State Senator Amanda McGill and Ardith Stuertz |

Treat yourself to the world’s best licorice at Licorice International.